Asisten pribadi

**COVID-19 specific information**

During the coronavirus pandemic, personal assistants are staff at risk, in the sense that their professional practices are difficult to reconcile with physical distancing measures. Therefore, it is crucial to supply them with personal protective equipment (PPE), including mask and/or shields, disposable gloves (single use) and aprons. Refer to the recommendations of the national Ministry of Health or the World Health Organization to be up to date on the measures to be taken.


Personal assistant (PA) is different to a caregiver. Personal assistant can be employed by someone who needs social care, either because of their age or disability, to enable them to live as independently as possible. A personal assistant is supporting and facilitating the person with disabilities’ daily life, as decided and managed by the person. The PA can also help with personal care such as bathing and getting dressed. Personal assistants are not always family members, but can be any person trained to support persons with disabilities. Different countries have different legislation and practice on personal assistance.

Emergency situation often increase dependence on caregivers and / or personal assistants. Therefore, while planning for your action, plan to budget in allowances for personal assistants to accompany and to support women, men and children with disabilities. During your assessment, study the different set-ups that can be supported and deployed : visiting home-care services (also called sometimes outreach programmes),

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