
Door indicating accessible measurements
©Julie Smith

To make sure everyone can enter doors and other entrances, these two basics must be followed:

  • The width of the entrance must be at least 90 cm; 
  • There must be sufficient space near the entrance (at least 150 cm turning radius) to permit wheelchair users and other people with difficulties moving to maneuver easily. 

Door handles have to be easy to grip and use, for those who have difficulties to use their hands, for wheelchair users, as well as for persons of short stature and small children.

Doors that are used to provide privacy and security should have a proper lock.

Door frames should have contrasting colours to make it easy for persons with visual impairment to identify them. If there is no frame, a 5 cm border can be painted or marked with tape (for a tent entrance for example) to ensure contrast.

Doorway to a room, where the door frame is painted yellow
© CBM 2015
CBM. Inclusive post-disaster reconstruction: Building back safe and accessible for all. 2015.
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