
Targeting beneficiaries for cash transfers in emergency response should be impartial and based on need alone. Identifying target group based on their disability status alone does not comply with humanitarian standards and can have a negative outcome such as increased stigma and exclusion. Capacities, assets and socio-economic situation have to be assessed, with the additional criteria that persons with disabilities often have other costs linked to accessibility, assistive devices, personal assistance, transportation and medical needs.

While taking generally considered criteria into account, consider as well the following:

  • The level of disaster loss, e.g. if the disaster caused injuries or health problems of household members that requires additional health care or rehabilitation support.
  • Pre-existing disabilities, particularly mental health conditions or chronic health problems might require specific health care interventions, medications or replacement of assistive devices, increasing the household expenses.
  • The economic situation of the household: how many earners to the household versus dependent members. Do not automatically consider persons with disabilities as dependent.
  • Specifically consider households which are headed by single women, by children, by older persons or by persons with disabilities.
  • Women, men and children with disabilities risk remaining invisible in the targeting process, particularly those that face high stigma or with less visible disabilities (mental health conditions, chronic health problems, HIV/Aids, older persons or those with intellectual disabilities). Expect to identify around 15% of persons with disabilities and if less than this number, raise the issue with the body who conducted the targeting and identify the reasons for it.
  • Promote a representative community-based targeting process for defining eligibility criteria and recipients, where women and men with different type of disabilities are represented.
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