Guardrails are protective barriers to prevent accidental falls at openings in floors and at the open sides of stairs, landings, balconies, mezzanines and ramps. They could be railings to be installed around hazardous areas, stairs, ramps, accessible roofs, balconies and raised platforms more than 40 cm high.
Handrails often act as safety guards. On the drawing below, handrails are extended horizontally for a distance between 30 cm and 45 cm at the top and bottom of stairs and ramps, except in places where extensions could obstruct the pedestrian flow.
A low curb could be also made and installed at a height between 5 - 7,5 cm (see the second drawing below). Low curbs also act as wheel stops for a wheelchair user.

Accessibility for the Disabled A Design Manual for a Barrier Free Environment, UN Enable with SOLIDERE in collaboration with ESCWA